
How To Get To Queens Garden Hollow Knight

Start by climbing to the platform on the right that leads to the right exit. Super dash to the left to reach an area with a Grub (27/46). Drop down and break a wooden shortcurt barrier on the left. Exit left, then drop down about halfway and exit left again. Swim under a giant thorny structure and exit left into Queen's Gardens:

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Continue left and you will reach an area with platforms that collapse temporarily after you stand on them. Go up into the next screen and follow the path around to the right to find a lever that opens a nearby door. Make your way up and around to the left to drop into an area with an entrance to the Overgrown Mound. Go inside and head right until you reach a large room with several small platforms and spikes at the bottom. Try to exit in the upper right and you will be closed in and forced to fight off several waves of Squits, after which the gates will open. Take the upper right path and jump across a gap to reach a geo deposit, then drop down and go right to find Howling Wraiths:

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Go left and break a wooden shortcut barrier, then continue left to exit the Overgrown Mound. once outside, break the wooden shortcut barrier on the right and exit to the right. We've only come here for the eventual map update, so go back left and make your way down to Queen's Gardens. Once there, head left and you can get a Rancid Egg on a platform up on the right. Then jump to the left across some thorns and you will meet Cloth again. Talk to her, then exit left and kill a Mantis Petra in the next area. Make your way down and exit right, then go right into an area with several platforms. You will be sealed in andmust defeat several enemies for the doors to open. Do so, then continue to the right, climbing up and exiting right.

Take the low path and jump across some platforms over thorns, then continue up and around to the left to find Cornifer. Interact with him and buy the Queen's Gardens map (12/13) for 150 geo:

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Go left to trigger a collapsing floor section and rest at the bench, then drop down and exit left. You need to make your way across some platforms and over spikes to the left, then down and back to the right to get to a lever, then climb up and break a wooden shortcut barrier so you can get back to the now open door and exit right. Take the top path to the right, cross a gap, and then drop down and exit to the right. Smash a geo deposit down on the right, then take the path just above to the right through some acid water. Kill two Mantis Traitors and pick up the Love Key from a corpse at the end, after which another Mantis Traitor will appear. Head back left to the previous screen and and go over to a Whispering Root. Hit it with the Dream Nail, then collect the 29 essence in the area before exiting to the left.

Make your way to the left through this annoying room full of enemies and collapsing platforms. Exit left, then exit left again to reach a toll machine that requires 150 geo to unlock a bench. Pay the toll and then rest at the bench. Go back two screens to the right, then immediately go up to the next screen. Jump across a gap to the right and enter a room where you will be sealed in and forced to fight several enemies. This battle can be a little tough, which is why we paid the toll to unlock the previous bench. After the enemies are defeated, continue to the right, then make your way up and then back to the left. Smash a geo deposit, then take the path upward to an exit. Make your way to the top of this screen and exit to the left.

This next area has several Loodles- enemies that hop around haphazardly and can be annoying. Kill them and exit left. Several more Loodles will annoy you as you continue to the left. Take a dark path upwards and climb up quickly to reach a ledge with a Grub (28/46). Drop all the way down and jump across a gap to get to a geo deposit. Drop down again and go left and up to get to a ledge with a Hallownest Seal, then go back and take a path to the right. You'll reach an area with a few more Loodles, then go left and take the down exit. Go all the way to the bottom and then to to the right through a dark path to find a Soul Totem. Continue to the right into an area where you will have an optional encounter with Marmu. Ignore him for now and continue to the right, walking through the wall at the end to reach a Stag Station. Interact with the toll machine and pay 200 geo to unlock the Queen's Garden Stag Station (10/11). Rest at the bench, hit the lever to the right to open a shortcut, then ring the bell to summon the Stag. Talk to him and he will tell you that he has found the Stag Nest, which is the 11th Stag Station. Have him take you to the Stag Nest Stag Station (11/11) and an achievement will unlock:


Open all of Hallownest's Stag Stations and discover the Stag Nest


1 guide Offline Game Mode Single Player Collectable

Go to the right to find a Vessel Fragment (4/9), then have the Stag take you to Greenpath. Just outside the station, break a wall and collect a Wanderer's Journal, then continue upwards. We want to head to the upper right exit on the map that leads to Howling Cliffs. Once you get there, make your way to the right across some platforms over spikes. Go up and you wills see a geo deposit in a path to the left. Keep going up and then to the right to find a geo chest that contains 1 geo. Jump into this geo chest to fall down below where you will have to fight two Elder Baldurs. Break a wooden shortcut barrier behind the one on the left, then proceed to the right. Pick up the Baldur Shell charm (22/40), then climb up to find another wooden shortcut barrier and a grub below. Break the barrier, then drop down and rescue the Grub (29/46). Continue to the left and exit.

You'll find yourself outside in Howling Cliffs. Go all the way left to find a King's Idol, then climb some platforms and find a Whispering Root. Hit it with the Dream Nail and collect the 46 essence in the area. When you're done, get to this ledge with a breakable wall on the right. Enter the cave and drop down to find a Wanderer's Journal, then break a wooden shortcut barrier on the left and another breakable wall on the right, then exit right. Continue to the end of this cave to find the corpse of a large bug. Hit it with the Dream Nail, then go back to the left and attack the fireplace structure which triggers a scene and summons the Grimm Troupe to Dirtmouth.

Exit the cave and continue upward until you reach a ledge on the right with Cornifer. Interact with him to buy the Howling Cliffs map (13/13) for 75 geo:

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Having acquired a map of each area, an achievement will unlock:

Go right to enter a dark cave. Follow the linear path across platforms and over spikes and you will eventually reach a Soul Totem on an upper left platform. Exit right, then drop down and go right into a room to collect the Joni's Blessing Charm (23/40). Backtrack to the Soul Totem, Desolate Dive on a weak section of floor to the left, and go left to exit the cave.

Continue upwards and exit to the right at the top. Make your way to the right and along the lower path to reach this small tunnel that leads to Nailmaster Mato's home. Enter, rest at the bench, and go to the right to find the Nailmaster. Interact with him and agree to learn his nail art, Cyclone Slash:

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Exit to the left, then head up and to the left to reach a platform with Gorb, the first of seven Dream Warriors. Agree to challenge him to begin the battle. Gorb is an easy boss with one attack: he will shoot out a ring of spears in all directions. As he takes damage he will fire out two and then three rings of spears in a row. He will also occasionally teleport to a different location. Try to stay underneath him and dodge his attacks, putting damage on him when you can. After defeating him, talk to him and you will receive 100 essence. Proceed all the way to the right and drop off the ledge to fall down to King's Pass (the game's starting location). Continue through this area to get back to Dirtmouth and you will notice the Grimm Troupe's tents. Enter the large tent and go all the way right to meet Troupe Master Grimm who will give you the Grimmchild charm (24/40).

The Grimm Troupe questline has two paths that end in an achievement. Both involve equipping the Grimmchild charm and seeking out and destroying three enemies marked on the map, then returning to the Troupe Master. After doing this twice, you will have to fight Troupe Master Grimm. Defeat him and he will mark three more enemies on the map. You then have a choice: kill these three enemies, then battle a stronger version of the Troupe Master or help Brumm, the Grimm Troupe lackey, banish the troupe from Dirtmouth. Each outcome leads to an achievement and you can only earn one per playthrough. More on this later. For now, exit the tent drop, down the well, and go left to Grubfather to collect your rewards. Return to Dirtmouth and buy a Vessel Fragment (5/9) from Sly for 900 geo, then have the Stag take you to King's Station.

Leave the station and go up to an up exit. Head upward through this area, finding a Wanderer's Journal and a geo deposit on the way. Take the up exit to reach a horizontal path where you will be closed in and attacked by numerous husk enemies. After defeating them, then doors will open and you can go right to collect a Vessel Fragment (6/9), resulting in a permanent soul upgrade.

Backtrack, drop down, and exit left to find a large lift. Hit the lever to ride the lift up, then exit left. Go left and flip a switch on a high ledge to open a path upward, then drop down and continue left to reach Blue Lake:

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You will see Quirrel sitting here. Interact with him to unlock an achievement:


Spend a final moment with Quirrel


1 guide Offline Game Mode Single Player

Super dash to the left across the lake and you will find Tiso on the other side. Climb up and exit left and drop down to Salubra's hut. Buy the Quick Focus charm (25/40) for 800 geo, then leave. Go left and up, climb a vertical wall, and super dash back to the right to get onto the ledge that leads back to Blue Lake. Make your way across the lake and exit right, then go up and through the lever opening to reach the Resting Grounds. Climb onto the platform above to find Xero, the second of seven Dream Warriors. Agree to challenge him to begin the battle. Xero is another easy boss with one attack: he will float around the area circled by two swords, shoot a sword at you, then pull it back in. After taking enough damage he gains two more swords and shoots them at you more rapidly. Defeat him, then talk to him to receive 100 essence.

Exit right, then continue past the Dreamer statues and exit right again. Make your way up to the Seer and she will give you rewards for obtaining essence: 100 (a Hallownest Seal), 200 (opens a nearby door to an unimportant area), and 300 (a Pale Ore). Exit the Seer's room and drop down to the bottom of the area. Desolate Dive on the far right tomb to break through to the area below. Walk right and the ground will break. Drop down and break the wall on the right, then go right a short distance until you see a pathway leading up to a breakable spot on the ceiling. Break through, then destroy the geo deposit on the left and rescue the Grub (30/46) on the right. Drop down and continue to the right to find a geo chest and two more breakable walls: one above and one to the right. Break both and follow the path to the right but beware of floor tiles that break to reveal beds of spikes. Go up at the end and break the cracked ceiling tile to reach an area with the Soul Eater charm (26/40). Then head back to the Resting Grounds Stag Station and have the Stag take you to King's Station.

Exit left, then take the top left exit. Go in the door a few levels down that leads to a room with a Great Husk Sentry guarding a grub. Defeat the sentry and rescue the Grub (31/46), then exit. Go all the way left and take the lower exit. Make your way down this long vertical area and then over to the Ancient Basin tram station. Enter the tram and use the console on the right to be taken to the Kingdom's Edge tram station. Go the right, jump across some living spikes, and break through a weak spot in the the wall to get access to the Hive:

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Proceed to the right along a linear path, then drop down to the bottom. Go all the way left first to find a bench encased in a giant drop of honey. Attack it until it breaks, then rest and return to the right, smashing geo deposits on the way. Be careful when engaging Hive Soldiers, which are much more aggressive than Hivelings and do a charging stab attack. Continue right to find a Whispering Root. Hit it with the Dream Nail and collect the 20 essence in the area, then make your way to the top and head left. Exit left at the end and you will encounter even more dangerous Hive Guardians in a large, open area. Make your way to the top of this area and exit to the screen above. Smash a geo deposit on the right side of this area and then continue going upward. When you get to the top, head to the right, exiting at the end. Drop down to destroy a geo deposit, then take the upper path to the right to find another. Climb the right wall to the top and super dash to the left with the goal of jumping into a small upwards path. Climb up and go right, then drop down to a Grub (32/46).

Backtrack and drop down on the far left side and you will see a mask shard behind a wall that can only be broken by a slam from a Hive Guardian. Lead a Hive Guardian over to this side of the area and avoid his attacks until he destroys the wall, then collect the Mask Shard (13/16). Make your way to the right side of this area and exit to the right. Continue to an area ahead to battle the Hive Knight.

The Hive Knight has a two primary attacks: a dashing horizontal lunge and a teleport behind to short lunge. He will also occasionally summon three honeycomb bombs that explode in eight directions and also sometimes spit out a bunch of Hivelings out that swoop down from above at the player. Jump over his lunging attack and try to pogo him in the process. Put damage on him when you can while avoiding his attacks and heal when he gets staggered. After defeating him, follow the linear path to the right and around to find the Hiveblood charm (27/40).

Make your way back to the room where you found the Mask Shard and take that path to the left. Break a wooden shortcut barrier, then drop down and continue left through a linear path that leads out of the Hive (after breaking a final wooden shortcut barrier). Once outside, make your way upwards and exit at the top. Climb up the left wall to get to another exit at the top of the screen. Continue up and then to the left to find a ledge with pink crystals. Just jump out into the acid water and head to the left to find a path leading upwards. Climb up and go right to find a Grub (33/46), then backtrack to the previous screen. Take the upper path to the right and you'll find a weak floor section just before the wooden shortcut barrier. Desolate Dive here to break through to the area below. Smash a geo deposit, then go left and around to drop to the area below. Rescue the Grub (34/46), then go back up and break the wooden shortcut barrier on the right.

Exit right into Kingdom's Edge and go directly to the right, then exit. Make your way along the lower path to the right, dealing with numerous Hoppers along the way. A Great Hopper will drop in- kill it and continue to the right. Fight your way past two more Great Hoppers and continue right to find a bench (rest here) and an entrance. Go inside to find Nailmaster Oro who will charge you 800 geo to learn his nail art. Agree and you will learn the Dash Slash:

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Exit the hut and continue to the right to the next screen. The ground is weak to the right- Desolate Dive here to break through. Use the Soul Totem and Desolate Dive through another weak spot, then follow the path to the left. Head up to another Soul Totem on the right and another Desolate Dive spot to the left. Go right, dash through a small opening lined with spikes, and follow the path to a Grub (35/46). Backtrack the the left, jump/dash past the Great Hopper, and exit left. Continue left and up to reach a ledge with a door to the right. Go in and walk through the wall to the right to find the Quick Slash charm (28/40). Backtrack and continue up to the top exit.

Break the wooden shortcut barrier and head left. Jump across a gap that leads to a geo deposit and then climb up to exit. Note the barrier on the ledge to the right- we will eventually get an ability that allows us to dash through them. Go left for now, make your way up to a ledge with a weak spot on the ground, and Desolate Dive through, then climb up into the opening to find a Wanderer's Journal. Continue upward into the next screen and make your way into a cave to the right to find a breakable wall. Break through and follow the path to a Grub (36/46). Return to the main area and continue heading upward. The path will split at the top- ignore the left exit and continue to the right. You'll reach a ledge with a sign pointing to a bench, so break through the ceiling in the corner and go up to find a Wanderer's Journal and a bench. Rest, then drop down and exit right. Proceed through the next area and you will see Hornet run away. Follow her to the right and drop down to the bottom. Enter the next room for a second battle with Hornet.

Hornet is mostly unchanged from the first encounter in Greenpath. She will dash at you, she will throw her needle horizontally and then pull it back, she will jump into the air and then dash downward at you, and she will do a small aoe attack with thread from her needle. In addition, she will also occasionally suspend three spiked orbs with thread- attack these and they will disappear. And she can parry and counterattack. Defeat her to unlock an achievement:

Interact with her, after which she will leap away. Follow the linear path to the right, then down and back to the left into a strange cave. At the end you will find the King's Brand:

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Backtrack to the right to trigger a brief scene, then go left and back to the bench to rest. The King's Brand allows us access to an area where we can obtain an ability that makes us invincible while dashing, which is extremely helpful moving forward, so we want to get that before making any more progress. Follow the path shown below:

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The downward branch shown leads to a Whispering Root. Drop straight down from the entrance ledge to get down to the Whispering Root, then strike it with the Dream Nail and collect the 51 essence in the area. Watch out for numerous Belflys as you make your way to the top of the area, then go left through the top left exit. Follow the path to the left and break a wall that leads to a King's Idol being guarded by a Great Hopper, then return and go up. There are Belflys all around so be careful. You can go right to find a geo deposit on a ledge, then follow the path to the left to find an exit up. Climb up and break the wooden shortcut barrier on the left. To the right is the Colosseum of Fools which you are welcome to go investigate, but I want to get the Shade Cloak before attempting any of the Colosseum trials. Dash left quickly past some Belflys and exit. You'll find yourself in a tall lift shaft in the City of Tears. Make your way down to the King's Station Stag Station. Rest at the bench and have the Stag take you to Hidden Station.

Go all the way left to reach the Ancient Basin, then drop downward to the area below. Go through the door at the end of the path, which will open since you have the King's Brand. Drop all the way to the bottom to reach the Abyss, then go to the left. You'll eventually reach a platform in a room at the end. Stand on it and use Howling Wraiths (cn_up + cn_B) to upgrade it to Abyss Shriek:

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Go back right to the Abyss where you will be attacked by Siblings. Exit right and follow the path over Void Tendrils and you will come to an open area with platforms where endless Siblings will attack you. Climb the platforms and enter a structure at the top. Hit the lever inside to activate a light and clear the area of siblings. Drop back down and super dash from the bottom platform across a wide span, then exit to the right. Continue right and go up when you can. Follow the path to reach a creepy statue holding a bowl with flowing black liquid. Jump into the bowl to receive the Shade Cloak:

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This ability allows you to dash through enemies and their attacks without taking damage, which is not only required for progression but also a huge help in battles. It does have a brief cooldown, though. Dash to the left through Void Tendrils and pick up the Arcane Egg, dash through more Void Tendrils, then climb back up to the top ledge. You can climb through the ceiling to a get to a hidden area, then go left and dash through a void barrier to find an object that can be inspected to add a Void Tendril entry to the Hunter's Journal. Return to the main path and continue backtracking to the left with the goal being to climb all the way out of the area. You will see Hornet on the top platform. Continue up to Ancient Basin and head right to the Hidden Station Stag Station past the Palace Grounds. Rest at the bench, then have the Stag take you to King's Station.

Make your way up to the tall lift shaft. Do not ride the lift; instead climb up the left wall, then jump across to the ledge on the right and exit to Kingdom's Edge. Super dash to the right and you will fly right into the Colosseum of Fools. Interact with the Little Fool and pay him 100 geo to open the Trial of the Warrior. Drop down to the right and go right to find Tiso sitting on a bench. Rest here to save, heal, and adjust your charms. I suggest using Longnail, Fragile Heart and Strength, and Grubsong. Deep Focus for faster healing is another good option. Equip what you feel works best, then break a wall to the right to reach a Hot Spring. Fill your soul, then head back up, activate the Trial of the Warrior, and enter the arena to the right.

Colosseum trials pit you against scripted waves of enemies. This first trial is the easiest and since we have advanced Zote's questline by rescuing him, he will be the final boss but is completely inept and doesn't put up any sort of fight. Proceed right into the arena and the trial will begin.

After completing the trial, two achievements will unlock:


Defeat Zote in the Colosseum of Fools


1 guide Offline Game Mode Single Player Missable


Complete the Trial of the Warrior


Offline Game Mode Single Player

Collect the geo and a charm notch. Then go back to the left and interact with the Little Fool. Pay 450 geo to open the Trial of the Conqueror. Feel free to go down to the bench and Hot Spring to heal and/or modify your charms (you do have an additional slot to work with now), then activate the Trial of the Conqueror. Head right into the arena and the second trial will begin.

After completing the trial, an achievement will unlock:

Collect the geo and a Pale Ore, then head left and out of the Colosseum. The next destination is an unexplored area in Kingdon's Edge:

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Enter this area, the Tower of Love, and use the Love Key on a locked door to the left. Follow a linear path until you reach a room where the Collector battle will occur.

The Collector really doesn't put up much of a fight. He basically jumps around a few times, then jumps up into the ceiling and drops one to three jars that contain weak enemies before dropping back down himself. You want to kill the enemies as quickly as possible so they don't become an interference, then put damage on the Collector while avoiding him.

After defeating the Collector, an achievement will unlock:

After the battle, climb up to the level above to find three Grubs (37/46, 38/46, and 39/46) and the Collector's Map, which marks the location of all remaining grubs on your map. It's time now to complete some miscellaneous tasks. Exit the Tower of Love, then drop down, then drop down to the right and hit a lever to open some doors. Drop down again and go left, into the water, and under the wall to get back to King's Station. Rest at the bench in the Stag Station above and have the Stag take you to Dirtmouth. You'll see Zote talking to Bretta. Head down to the Grubfather and collect your rewards, including a third Pale Ore which we need for the final nail upgrade. Exit the Grubfather area and before returning to Dirtmouth, we will rescue the two grubs visible on the map. Drop down and exit right, then jump up to a previously out of reach ledge with a Grub (40/46). Return to the previous screen, drop down to the bottom, and exit down. Drop to the bottom of this area and exit left into a previously unexplored area. Smash a geo deposit on a ledge, then make your way past some Goams and exit left. Go all the way to the left to reach a ledge with a Grub (41/46). Then head back up to Dirtmouth (hit up the Grubfather on the way back for some geo if you feel you need it).

Go into Sly's hut and "descend" to the basement. Talk to Sly to find out that he is actually the Great Nailsage and he will give you the Nailmaster's Glory charm (29/40). Go back up and have the Stag take you to City Storerooms. From here, proceed to the four destinations marked below:

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The first destination is a locked door near the Soul Sanctum that requires the Elegant Key (which we purchased from Sly in Dirtmouth already). Take the shortcut from the right of the nearby bench and climb up to use the Elegant Key in the locked door. You'll have to fight another Soul Warrior, but this time he also summons Follys. Defeat him, then climb up to the top and inspect a device to receive the Shade Soul upgrade:

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Head down to the second destination to find Relic Seeker Lemm. Talk to him, then go back one screen and up to his usual location and sell him your relics. I had about 15k geo at this point which is more than enough to buy everything we need. From here, head to the third destination- the Nailsmith. Give him 4000 ore and 3 Pale Ore to upgrade your nail, raising the base damage from 17 to 21, after which he tells you he has to step outside. Go outside to talk to him and he will ask you to kill him with the nail. This is a forked path that leads to two achievements- one for killing him and one for leaving him alive. Ignore his request and leave him alive so that we can eventually complete a final step to complete the Happy Couple achievement. Head right towards destination 4.

Once you reach destination 4, a previously unexplored area, go right and climb up, heading left at the top and exit left to reach a bench. Rest here, then return right. You can then drop down a level and follow the path around and drop into a room below that contains a Great Husk Sentry and Lance Sentry. Even with all your upgrades, Big Husk Sentries are still tough. I like to pogo on their heads and try to time it so I bounce out of range when they do their overhead slashes. Kill both, then hit the nearby lever to open a door at the bottom right of the area. Head through and follow the path around. Climb up and hit a lever to open a shortcut to the bench, then exit up to the right. Jump to the upper level to avoid the Great Husk Sentry on the left. Go left, take the lift up, then follow the path to the right and you will eventually reach a large room with another Great Husk Sentry. Kill him, then go left to find a Grub (42/46). Backtrack to the lift and go left, then exit up and take a lift up. At the top, climb up just right of the elevator and break through the ceiling to access a hidden path above. Break the chain at the end of the path to drop a chandelier, killing one of the six enemies you are about to face. Then drop down and enter the room below to fight the six five Watcher Knights.

(I did not kill one with the chandelier in the video)

The Watcher Knights start out dormant and become active one at a time, with up to two being active at once. They have three attacks: a double slash, a rolling attack, and a bouncing attack. Before going all the way to the right to begin the battle, hit any of the knights with your Dream Nail to fill your soul. Once the battle has begun, try to exclusively attack from above as the only attack that can hurt is a bouncing attack. It's possible to do enough pogo attacks in a single flurry to kill a knight before they move out of range. After you kill the final knight, follow the path to the right and around to reach a geo chest and a Hallownest Seal, then climb and exit at the top. Take the nearby lift to the top of the building and go right at the top to find Lurien the Watcher. Hit him with the Dream Nail and you will be teleported into a dream world. Go right and attack Lurien until he starts to explode. You will be prompted to hold cn_B to focus:

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After a brief scene plays out, an achievement will unlock:

You will wake up in Lurien's chamber. Make your way down until you can exit left through a narrow path. Hit a lever at the end to open the door and make your way to the City Storerooms Stag Station.

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How To Get To Queens Garden Hollow Knight


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