What Kind A Things Humans Learned From Animals
What Distinguishes Humans from Other Animals?
There's no consensus on the question of what makes us special, or whether we even are. The biggest point of contention is whether our cerebral abilities differ from those of other animals "in kind," or merely in degree. Are nosotros in a form past ourselves or just the smartest ones in our course?
Charles Darwin supported the latter hypothesis. He believed we are similar to animals, and merely incrementally more than intelligent as a result of our college development. Simply according to Marc Hauser, director of the cognitive evolution lab at Harvard Academy, in a recent article in Scientific American, "mounting bear witness indicates that, in contrast to Darwin's theory of a continuity of mind between humans and other species, a profound gap separates our intellect from the creature kind."
Hauser and his colleagues take identified 4 abilities of the human mind that they believe to exist the essence of our "humaniqueness" mental traits and abilities that distinguish us from our fellow Earthlings. They are: generative computation, promiscuous combination of ideas, the use of mental symbols, and abstruse thought. [Read: Pinnacle 10 Mysteries of the Mind]
1. Generative computation
Humans can generate a practically limitless variety of words and concepts. Nosotros do then through two modes of performance recursive and combinatorial. The recursive operation allows us to apply a learned dominion to create new expressions. In combinatorial operations, we mix different learned elements to create a new concept.
2. Promiscuous combination of ideas
"Promiscuous combination of ideas," Hauser explained, "allows the mingling of different domains of knowledge such as art, sexual practice, space, causality and friendship thereby generating new laws, social relationships and technologies."
iii. Mental symbols
Mental symbols are our fashion of encoding sensory experiences. They course the basis of our complex systems of language and communication. Nosotros may choose to go on our mental symbols to ourselves, or represent them to others using words or pictures.
4. Abstract thought
Abstract thought is the contemplation of things beyond what nosotros can sense.
"This is not to say that our mental faculties sprang fully formed out of nowhere," Hauser wrote. "Researchers have found some of the building blocks of man cognition in other species. But these building blocks make up merely the cement foot print of the skyscraper that is the human heed. The evolutionary origins of our cognitive abilities thus remain rather hazy. Clarity is emerging from novel insights and experimental technologies, however."
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Source: https://www.livescience.com/33376-humans-other-animals-distinguishing-mental-abilities.html
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