
What Animal Sounds Similar To A Hyena

All owls hoot, all big cats roar, all bears growl the same manner, all rodents (and rodent-looking animals) squeak, all monkeys and apes hoot and screech similar chimpanzees, and all birds of casualty scream like the cherry-tailed hawk (because a bald eagle's cry MUST exist awesome). Except, in existent life, they don't.

Animals have a variety of noises and even relatively closely related animals tin audio completely unlike from one another. This applies fifty-fifty to animals within the same species—certain tiny dog breeds have deep barks considering they're either sized-downwards versions of big dogs or they were bred for their bark (for example, beagles).

This is oft due to mixing up species. Animals who look like or vest in the aforementioned general family are assumed to audio alike, when in reality they don't. Mutual examples include foxes, wolves and hyenas sounding like dogs, all big cats sounding like lions, all big whales sounding similar humpback whales, all seabirds sounding similar herring gulls, zebras sounding like horses, and penguins sounding like ducks. Special mention must become to frogs. Only one type of frog goes "ribbit" - the Pacific tree frog; it lives in Hollywood. Become figure.

This trope often occurs due to Reality Is Unrealistic. An animal'due south real weep might not audio "powerful enough", then they're replaced with a "cooler" or "more than appropriate" sounding cry. This is why monkeys are oft given chimp calls and baldheaded eagles are often given the cries of red-tailed hawks, and giving them their correct respective cries may be jarring for those conditioned to hear the replacements.

Animals making the incorrect noises isn't specific to fictional works. Fifty-fifty some educational documentaries will re-dub animals' voices or add in wrong noises because viewers expect animals to sound a sure way.

Sub-Trope to Noisy Nature and Artistic License – Biology. Comedic, intentional examples go nether Silly Animate being Sound. Compare Misplaced Wild fauna, with which this ofttimes overlaps — not merely is the animal making the wrong noise, but it'southward in the wrong place, as well — along with its subtrope Jungles Sound Like Kookaburras. Related to The Kokosnoot Effect.


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  • In the "Green Sense" commercial, a starling'due south call is overdubbed with the far cuter, far less cacophonic robin's song.
  • In one Axe pilus gel commercial, a man (using a different hair gel) impales fish on his hair while cliff diving and is attacked past a seagull screeching like a militarist.

     Anime & Manga

  • In Azur Lane The Animation, Enterprise'south bald hawkeye screams like a ruby-red-tailed hawk.

     Fan Works

  • Defied in Dear Bites. Rainbow asked Fluttershy to make a "majestic eagle call" equally an alert, but Rarity tells her that she's thinking of a hawk's call. Immediately after, Fluttershy makes a "squeaking sound like a very excited and feminine turkey", which is what baldheaded eagles actually audio similar.

     Films — Animation

  • The Lion King:
    • Hyenas in The Lion Rex (1994) oft make dog noises, with the exception of the hooting laughter of the spotted hyena. Despite their physical resemblance to canines, hyenas belong to a family unit of their own, and their closest relatives are civets and genets.
    • Lion characters purr in The Lion Male monarch 2: Simba's Pride. Lions tin't purr.
  • The Magic Voyage. A shark who roars like a cougar is just icing on the WTF Cake that is this animated feature.
  • The Rugrats Movie features a wolf whose growls audio more like some sort of big true cat than a wolf.
  • The mythical Golden Herons in Kubo and the 2 Strings are voiced by the Common Loon.
  • Tarzan:
    • The gorillas all make chimpanzee sounds. In reality, gorillas grunt, scream, belch and (oddly enough) purr, just they don't 'pant-hoot' like chimps. Granted, Kerchak does make gravely grunts, snorts and roars, which are at least semi-realistic.
    • While real leopard vocalizations are used, Sabor also frequently utters cougar yells, even though leopards are roaring cats and don't make such vocalizations. Tiger roars are as well used, but at least they are pretty close to how a leopard sounds.
  • The Cossack cats in An American Tail snarl and growl like leopards. Justified because they are seen from the perspective of mice, to whom a domestic true cat is every bit dangerous every bit a big cat would exist to a human. Other felines in the flick, withal, are capable of speech.
  • Finding Nemo:
    • Finding Nemo has a roaring barracuda and a screeching anglerfish. Given their respective scenes are particularly heavy on Nightmare Fuel, this is most probable a case of Dominion of Scary. The giant squid from Finding Dory also utters a few guttural growls and snarls.
    • Speaking of roaring barracudas, a barracuda seen briefly during Tip and Nuance's vocal in The Little Mermaid II: Render to the Sea roars like a grizzly bear.
  • In Dumbo, a striped hyena laughs (which just spotted hyenas practise in real life) and a gorilla produces a roar like to Tarzan'southward yell. Although the striped hyena is normally silent, they are capable of laughing. Different the loud giggles of the spotted hyena, the striped hyena's laugh sounds more like a high pitch chatter.
  • For whatever reason, Mr. Freeze'due south two polar bears in Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub-Cypher constantly permit out big cat roars and growls and seldomly utter bodily bear vocalizations.

    Films — Alive Action

  • The swan in Hot Fuzz honks like a goose. The mutual white swan is more than properly known as the "Mute Swan"; information technology is capable of making some sounds, usually hissing at predators (or people who go too shut), but not honking.
  • In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, all the big cats except Aslan make puma sounds, and the badgers brand guinea grunter noises!
  • The giant mutant ants in Them! are quite noisy for creatures without song cords. The sounds are actually Spring Peepers (small frogs plant in the eastern USA).
  • All fictional lizards (the cute ones, at least) seem to brand the same weird nasal growling noise (which comes from, of all things, a baby jaguar). The trailer for Nim's Island featured an impossibly talkative bearded dragon. They simply hiss — and they'll do that just if yous attempt to give them a bathroom.
  • African elephants ofttimes use recordings of their Asian counterparts in film. This is likely due to the fact that fewer African elephant recordings exist in public domain sound effects libraries (helped by the fact that the two genera sound like enough anyway that only an practiced is likely to observe the departure).
  • A documentary on big cats gave a chetah a fierce roar. When they fail to point out that cheetahs exercise non roar (they chirp!), 1 tin plow off the TV and take refuge in the encyclopedia.
  • The nearly hilarious recent example tin be heard in this trailer for Oceans. Err, those aren't baby ducklings...
  • The roaring shark comes from good old Jaws: The Revenge. It certainly doesn't help that the roar sounds suspiciously like Jerry's roar from a Tom and Jerry sketch either. Like Bruce IV's famous bellowing in Jaws: The Revenge, Brucette in Jaws 3D growled whenever she opened her mouth (it was a very deep watery sound that you might miss most of the fourth dimension), and a soft echoing roar is heard when Bruce's decapitated body sinks into the abyss at the end of Jaws (though that'southward simply symbolic, and was the same roar from Spielberg'southward earlier film Duel). Sharknado two: The Second 1 besides had roaring sharks and was likely inspired by this.
  • There'southward a roaring shark in Shark Assail 3: Megalodon too.
  • Caesar the chimpanzee is heard roaring like a king of beasts in a trailer for Rising of the Planet of the Apes. Did they give him that ability as a test run at the lab, earlier giving him a human-level intellect?
  • In Conan the Barbarian, the vulture that tries to eat Conan when he's nailed to the Tree of Woe sounds like some type of seagull, which is doubly incorrect because Conan is biting its neck and it shouldn't be able to vocalize at all.
  • The ferrets in The Beastmaster make some very un-ferret similar sounds. Real ferrets brand very petty sound most of the time, but often hiss, grunt, and brand a sort of chortling sound when playing.
  • Kimble's ferret in Kindergarten Cop similarly makes lots of squeaking, chittering noises that ferrets don't really produce.
  • A roaring giant squid in the adaptation of Peter Benchley's The Animal. The squid really made a distorted shriek/screech, like a behemothic mechanical eagle (or carmine-tailed hawk).
  • In Mel Gibson'southward Apocalypto, at the offset of the flick a tapir is shown except it squeals similar a grunter. In reality, tapirs brand chuffing noises or high-pitched mouse-like squeaks instead of squealing similar that.
  • When they're not howling, the wolves in Beauty and the Beast (2017) very noticeably growl similar lions.
  • Jurassic Park:
    • While it remains unknown to this day what non-avian dinosaurs must have sounded like, paleontologists don't recollect it's likely that Tyrannosaurus king could make mammal-like roars and bellows equally in the films. That said, it also makes crocodile-like growling and drumming noises, which paleontologists believe was possible for Tyrannosaurus.
    • Brachiosaurus and other sauropods are depicted singing like whales, which is also considered unlikely.


  • This trope is mentioned in one of the Teddy Robinson books. The titular teddy comport meets a cow, who goes "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm". When Teddy Robinson asks why she doesn't go "moo", the moo-cow replies that only storybook cows go "moo".

     Live-Activity Idiot box

  • In Skippy the Bush-league Kangaroo, Skippy'south trademark 'tchk tchk tchk' noise was entirely fictional. Kangaroos brand no such sounds.
  • Flipper's famous churr? That's a sped-up kookaburra.
  • The Colbert Written report has an opening sequence has a red, white, and blueish bald hawkeye making a red-tailed hawk's weep. The show existence what it is, it'due south either intentional or would exist if they knew.
  • Kamen Rider Zi-O: A T. rex goes afterward Sougo when he walks out of Fourth dimension Majin in the Mesozoic era and trumpets similar an elephant. While we tin't know what T. rex sounded like, it definitely was not the audio of an angry pachyderm.
  • An episode of Monk had the murder suspect of the calendar week be a chimpanzee who was dubbed over with the more usually recognized spider monkey noises. Chimps are apes. They make completely different sounds.
  • MythBusters really found an aversion: movie rattlesnakes and real rattlesnakes sound almost exactly alike. Information technology would still exist possible to utilize this trope (the Busters' own test and the stock recording were both Western Diamondbacks, the largest species and therefore the loudest rattlers; pinging the audio to something tiny or something that'southward not a rattlesnake at all would exercise it) but in an episode where many sounds were more wrong than this, information technology was dainty to know that the sound of something that might kill you lot is accurately presented.
  • While Dinosaurs has plenty of problems, "The Howling" shows dinosaurs howling like wolves.


  • Long-running soap opera The Archers frequently got caught out this mode. It took the BBC a long time to realise that in a drama about farmers, they better had get the sound effects absolutely right. Only ordering up "a sheep" or "a cow" from the BBC sound effects department wasn't going to cut information technology, non with a professionally aware audition. Farmers and shepherds would write in and complain - pointing out that if Dan Archer was out in the fields in Feb lambing a ewe, why then was the sheep he was tending to not making the distinctive noises of a ewe in labour? And for a supposedly newborn lamb, why was its bleating sounding similar an eight-month erstwhile lamb in the fields? Oh, and that wasn't a cow Walter Gabriel was tending, yous practice realise you were playing a recording of a balderdash in heat simply about to service a heifer? And them chickens what Clarrie Grundy was feeding, they weren't Rhode Island Reds at all, they was Belgian Red Wattles, completely distinctive clucks. The BBC gave in, and sent people out to farms with tape recorders to talk to thep professionals and to get some really accurate brute sounds.

     Video Games

  • Averting this trope is discussed in Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (1997): The player can requite Anne Tikwitee a bird whistle that corresponds to a bald eagle. What plays isn't the (incorrect) high pitched screech many people expect — information technology's actually the (correct) hawkeye chirp. Anne and so says "Whoa! For a large bird that'southward 1 small call!"
  • Early in Mortiferous Premonition, a cutscene shows squirrels that audio similar chimpanzees.
  • Impressive Title has a giant manta ray dominate known as the Monster Ray, which occasionally emits a loud cacophonous sound that many players take likened to a cow's "moo" note it's actually a human voice slowed down despite the fact that rays don't have vocal cords.
  • A very foreign case, as information technology swaps out an awesome-sounding call for a rather cuter one: in The Fable of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Wolf Link gives coyote howls instead of wolf howls. This is probably because a coyote'southward howl sounds more musical for the Ocarina of Time-style howling melody sections.
  • The Bloody Roar serial is guilty equally charged with nearly of the characters' beast forms, though the most glaring case would be Yugo, the roaring wolf.
  • The Barn Owl (famous for being silent fliers) in Fly Like a Bird makes sound as its wings flap.
  • During the dramatic opening of Terminal Fantasy 9, there's a close-up of a pigeon crying like a red-tailed hawk.
  • In Ori and the Blind Forest, the Big Bad Ominous Owl Kuro vocalizes with the aforementioned red-tailed hawk call. In the sequel, the Sand Worm in Windtorn Ruins has a stock tiger roar, as does Howl the dire wolf(who never actually howls) at the beginning of the game.
  • In Fate/Grand Order, this is Played for Laughs by Tamamo Cat, who, despite her proper name, emits barking sounds similar a dog in-betwixt mangled Water ice-Cream Koan and Pun-filled spoken language. And then again, her legend thinks she's a play a joke on when she's actually a jackal, and she's a Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie variation of the more serious Tamamo-no-Mae in Fate/Extra.
  • Far Cry 3: The cassowaries that appear in this game sound absolutely nothing like cassowaries. Real cassowaries make low, sub-bass booming sounds, virtually ape-like hoots and elephant-like grunts.
  • Kirby and the Forgotten Country: Fleurina, a big Funny Animal swan, screeches similar a cherry-tailed hawk.
  • In Super Mario 64, Klepto the Condor's cry is really the call of a goose.
  • Yakuza 2: The tigers Kiryu faces in a boss boxing are bizarrely given leopard and lion recordings as sound effects. This is all only completely averted in the remake; save for one lion roar, all their sound furnishings are tiger recordings.

     Western Blitheness

  • Phineas and Ferb:
    • Perry the Platypus makes a distinctive chirping churr that is notably his but vocalization. Real-life platypuses brand a soft growling purr when agitated (which absolutely sounds somewhat similar Perry's noises).
    • The dodo in "Last Train to Bustville" makes a weird "narg narg" telephone call. The dodo was really named for its call, which was a dove-similar audio something similar "doo-doo".
  • In an episode from The Wild Thornberrys, a hungry male lion trying to hunt Eliza briefly gets stuck in a thorn bush and roars like a grizzly comport.
  • The Sovereign from The Venture Bros. makes the typical Red Tailed Hawk call when he turns into an eagle. Just and so he'due south a nameless shapeshifter pretending to be David Bowie pretending to be an eagle...
  • The bats that flutter across the screen at the get-go of the opening credits for Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! all chitter their piffling heads off. Disturbed bats generally book information technology without emitting cries that humans tin hear, as they're besides decorated echolocating so they don't run into one another.
  • An in-universe example in Batman: The Animated Series episode "On Leather Wings". Batman (every bit Bruce Wayne) brings a recording of bat-similar sounds to Dr. March, an expert in bats, and claims that the sounds are coming from his chimney. Dr. March later calls and says that the sounds are from brown bats and starlings, probably fighting over a nest. Batman runs the combination through his computer, which states the sounds exercise non lucifer either species and proving that Dr. March is lying virtually something.
  • The Lion Guard:
    • In i of the most jarring departures from the films, zebras brand horse noises.
    • As usual, hyenas still yelp like dogs.
  • The episode "Britrock" from Jem features a play a trick on that makes domestic dog noises.
  • Played for Laughs in Tom and Jerry where Jerry was capable of making an absolutely horrifying guttural monster roar when he needed to frighten or intimidate Tom. Feast your ears. Hilariously, this same audio effect was apparently also used for the shark in Jaws: The Revenge, making a scene with a roaring shark fifty-fifty more Narmy considering to many viewers it was a shark roaring like a cartoon grapheme.
  • Whenever Magilla Gorilla tries to act like a wild gorilla, he produces a Tarzan-esque yell. This is carried over to Magilla's cameo in Scooby-Doo and Approximate Who?.
  • DuckTales (2017): Some of the not-anthropomorphic animals in the evidence make sounds inaccurate for their species. Matilda McDuck's emu makes goose-similar honks rather than the characteristic drumming sounds existent emus make, and Santa's reindeer make horse-like neighs and snorts opposed to accurate reindeer sounds.
  • The Simpsons:
    • In "Diggs", Comic Book Guy gets a falcon that mimics human voice communication like a parrot, which he lampshades. Funnily plenty, falcons are actually related to parrots.
    • Averted in "The Musk That Savage to Earth", which had a baldheaded eagle that makes accurate chirping noises, to the point the family names it "Squawky". Other episodes, yet, has information technology brand the stereotypical red-tailed hawk cry.
    • In the last segment of "Treehouse of Horror XXIX", Jacqueline turns into a dinosaur and makes roaring noises. Said dinosaur is a Parasaurolophus, believed to have fabricated trumpeting bellows due to its hollow crest.
    • "Gorillas on the Mast" had an orca that makes humpback whale songs (orcas chirp and squeak similar other dolphins) and tigers that purr (something big cats don't).
  • One episode of Jonny Quest had a toucan that mimics human speech similar a parrot, which toucans can't do in existent life.
  • In The Magic School Omnibus episode "Hops Home", there is an opossum that makes rodent-like noises.
  • An episode of Journeying To The Center Of The Earth featured a behemothic caterpillar that for some reason sounded exactly like a cat.


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